One thing i dont like about the Kenway i have, is the fiberglass seat (strainer) it begin to brake around nails, and it cut surface of a stirrup leather on one side. Vintage Hereford Brand Tex Tan of Yoakum Saddle 14 5 SHINES in Woodstock VERMONT. It has a 15-1/2' seat that is quilted smooth leather and the skirt measures 25' It is fully tooled on the double. I find nóthing on the Kénway thanks I pIace a picture óf my Yoakum Thank so much Andy Is that mean Kenway close in 1973 Is there suposed to have difference in quality between Yoakum and Kenway: one best quality and other entry levellow cost saddles per example So maybe thats why a lot of Kenway around in Quebec if they were made i Canada. Serial Number 08-1430V I know the 'V is' the color, but I do not see any color on your site that corresponds to it. The Tex Tan name is one of the most highly regarded in the world of western saddles.